Wednesday, August 8, 2012

HDD 39: Gabby Douglas' Hair

nOt so sure about this one. but i was asked to do it. so, la la la la la la la

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


she started it. some girl on youtube (mandy of firstladypeacock) tagged a girl i'm youtube buds with at breebree4thee, so this is my response. enjoy.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

HDD 34: Gay ADoPtion!

so today's humpdaydose i'm talking with a wonderful expert on gay adoption! enjoy :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


wow, 32 ePisodes? wild and pretty cool at the same time :) w/o further, "i can't believe i'm being consistent with this" babble (smile) HDD 32: DRUGS.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

HDD 30: BaBY vS. DOG

This is for the serious baby negotiator. that's it, people. no more playing around. it's baby or bust - out - the dog. ...i don't know why i just wrOte any of that. just a blog roughly comparing having a kid and having a dog. smiles to you. -kYRa

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

NFC 28 - NEws 4 the ChaLLenged

SOOOOoooOOOo excited! It's HumpdaydOse's first GREENSCREEN video. whOO hOOooOOOO. enjoy :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

HumpdayDose 27: CHeF kYRa

Uh, you won't be making this on your wedding day, BUT! maybe the day after :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

humpdaYdOse 26: SILENCE

So, i didn't feel like uttering out words, so... this is the result. :) May the notes make you move while you're dOing dishes. or something. (and, sorry i didn't put this up earlier. i freakin' forgOt. sheesh, just awful)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

HUMpdayDOSe 25: ReSenTment

Okay, this new layout is jUst confusing me. Ugh. hOpe this works. like fourth attempt. hahaha

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

huMpdayDoSE 21: Not 22/bUt not 23

THis is a quick viDeo to tell you that you'll be waiting on a real viDeo.
but only for 2 weeks.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

22: RelationsHiPS

okay! i DID post this on wednesday. only on youtUbe. not here. oOPs. so technically, it was Up on time. smile. ...eNjoY.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

huMpdayDoSE 21: Will Smith is gay, you say w/o saying?

Ah, STAR magazine. the best tabloid magazine a girl can get.
Btw, is it ThuRSDAY? why yes, it is. Like i told the people in my email -
i forgot to set the clock ahead by an hour. i set it back 25 hOurs. har.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

HDD 20: In LIViNG COLoR (audition talk)

quite lovely to be, too. and so funny that i've gotten my wednesday dose up so darn late even with TWO MONTHS to have started on time. hAR. it's all lovely, tho, and perfect (absolutely) that the power in my area was lost for hours, delaying the entire process in the first place. gotta lOve it.
well, neXt week, peOps! or is that, peePs? sheeSh.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


hey, so here it is. so you know what's gOing on. :)
quick little vid.
from me.
to you.