Wednesday, August 31, 2011

addictiOn ...sigh

due to technical difficulties, hump day was delayed. can board now. but don't bored later. hahahaha! get it? yeah, i know, i know, but i had to type it anyway.

...just love me after you watch this, is all. the addict(s need love, tOo)


  1. It was the 1st of September. That day you'll always remember. Because that was the day, that your tobacco died. Hey Cuz, I mean unCuz. I'm proud of you for quitting. You're cute and slim and have nice skin. Letting go of the tobacco will allow your beautiful skin to stay that way a lot longer. I'd hate to see you looking all shriveled like a 1970's Denny's waitress who can't wait for her break to get outside and smoke a butt.

  2. Oh Kyra,

    So lovely. So addicted. So racist. *sigh*

    Just kidding...
