Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Week 11: MaRRiaGe

yawn. another late night. and how do i keep getting over 3 minutes? argh. i've really got to work on that. yawn again. time, i guess. until then, without further yawns (ha to the har har), i present to you - marriaGe. take it or leave it.
...yawn. (oOps, sorry 'bout that)


  1. think you hit the nail on the head in that your "average" person doesn't consider what marriage is.

    from my perspective, it's sacred and one has decided to make someone their FAMILY. i think it should be mandated that you have to attend counseling first and asked the hard questions before you choose to get that piece of paper.

    i respect marriage, the institution of marriage but it ain't for everyone and if people were more self aware, there may realize it is/isn't for them. i honestly think in today's society, your AVERAGE person shouldn't get married or have children under the age of 30.

    that said, welcome to america. people have the right to do what they want and i respect it. i just wish more people took the time to do some self reflection.

  2. was just talking with a friend about that. not getting married until 30's. what a difference it would make on so many levels...
